Monks could easily take 2/3 enemies out of combat at a time if you could indeed prevent someone from standing up with an AoA. Otherwise tripping could get really silly very fast with combat reflexes etc. However if you readied an action to trip them as soon as they stand back up you could of course trip them again but on an AoA it's not possible. There does not appear to be an "official" ruling but the order of operations (As per raw) dictates that this is how it works.

That character still stands up after the attack as it doesn't "interrupt" that action but there is always the chance that you very well could kill that person. Think of it like kicking someone when they are down, it doesn't really accomplish much besides hurting the guy (and possibly his ego) when he tries standing up.

Well since a character makes an AoA just prior to the action that provokes it then I would say that you can go ahead and trip someone when they try standing up but the result wont matter since they are already prone. Has this rule been clarified by the devs, or is this just a trend that the board seems mainly to agree with? If this rule has been confirmed by Jason or another dev, could someone direct me to the post? This could have a very significant impact on my games as one of my players is a HUGE fan of trip builds, and is (kind of) playing one now. It seems to be the general consensus around here that you can't make a trip attack-of-opportunity on a character who is standing up from prone.